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Rodney Stoke Parish Council


National Lockdown Guidance Poster 5.1.21


Parish Council

Rodney Stoke Parish Council approved a Business Continuity Motion at their meeting on Thursday 19th March. This will enable the Parish Council to continue to function during the coronavirus pandemic. 

The Planning Committee will continue to respond to planning applications, please see the notices on the planning committee page.

All further face to face meetings will be postponed until further notice.


Government Advice

For all the latest health updates please see Public Health Englands guidance.

Sign up for updates on coronavirus 19 


NHS advice

Somerset Corona Virus Helpline

The Helpline number 0300 790 6275 is open 7 days a week 8-6pm to access all the local authority help that you may need including emotional support and covers the County and District support services. Anyone who can’t find help within their own local networks & volunteers can use the new number to get help and advice around various issues such as personal care, support including food and delivery, transport for medical appointments, financial support etc.  The number is being staffed by the five councils in Somerset and will be available seven days per week 8am – 6pm.


Mendip District Council

Coronavirus updates and guidance 

Business Grants available in Somerset

Mendip Briefing  - weekly edition

Somerset Waste Partnership - collections

31.5.20 Recycling centres: Back to summer opening next week Full details

12.5.20 Garden Waste Collections have resumed and some recycling sites are open - check here:

May update 

12.5.20 Check your garden waste collection date here (due to problems with the somerset waste partnership website at the time of posting this alternative is offered)


Somerset County Council

Reopening the Playground in the Rev Cobley Playing Field, Draycott 17th July 2020

Please see our Playground page for all the details


Village Support Groups

If you can volunteer to help a friend or neighbour, or need help yourself please join the following groups. They are an excellent way to keep in touch with others during this crisis.

Rodney Stoke Neighbourhood Helpline: 01749 870530


Draycott Community: 01934 744869


Or facebook group: Draycott & Rodney Stoke Good Neighbours’ Group


Village Agent

Remember that our village agent Bella Lapwood can provide confidential practical help for social and health issues.

Her Email:    Phone: 07494 883541


Pressured or tempted by loan sharks? 


Citizens Advice Bureau

Access to advice during the pandemic continues. Contact details. 
