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Rodney Stoke Parish Council

Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites and Policies: Consultation on Additional Main Modifications

Added on 11 February 2021

Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites and Policies:

Consultation on Additional Main Modifications


Following the examination hearings completed in December 2020, the Inspector has advised the Council on his next steps before issuing his final report.


The Inspector has requested the Council consult on specific changes to address the following matters:


  1. Reference to phosphate mitigation on some development allocations in the Plan as agreed with Natural England. This largely affects the western half of Mendip (west of Wells, Shepton Mallet, Street and Glastonbury)
  2. The deletion of draft allocation RD1 (Rode) put forward as a Main Modification.


This is explained in the Inspectors Progress Note (Examination Document) ED48 which is available at website at


The Council have published a Schedule of Additional Main Modifications and is inviting representations on these changes. This schedule of modifications and response forms can found at  together with supporting information and an updated ‘track change’ version of Local Plan Part II.


The consultation is limited to responses on the changes in the schedule. The Inspector will not be considering other matters or representations on sites already considered in the examination process. Responses made will be provided to the Inspector for his consideration. The progress note indicates the Inspector is aiming to provide a final report on the examination by the end of April 2021.


The consultation will be open from Tuesday 9th February and close at 5pm Monday 22nd March 2021.


Availability of Consultation Documents


The Mendip Council offices and access points are currently closed to the public. Please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at or by telephone on (0300) 303 8588 if you have difficulty accessing the documents online or to obtain a hard copy.


Responding to the Consultation


To assist the Inspector, responses should be made on the attached response form. Please read the information note (attached) which provides further advice. All responses must be in writing and include your name and full postal address. 


All responses should be returned by 5pm Monday 22nd March.

Consultation Document

Consultation Notice

Information Note

Response Form 

By post to:

Planning Policy, Mendip District Council, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5BT or by hand via the letterbox at the entrance to the Council Offices.


By email to:

< Temporary Closure Upper New Road Cheddar 1st MarchEmergency Road Closure: New Road, Cheddar, in the parishes of Rodney Stoke and Priddy 26th Feb to 5th March >